Platform - SQL Server 2022

SQL Server 2022 includes several platform improvements aimed at making it more compatible and performant on a wide range of hardware and software platforms. Some of these platform improvements include:

SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) has been removed: The SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) has been removed in SQL Server 2022, and is no longer supported. This change is part of Microsoft's ongoing effort to modernize and simplify its technology stack.

Hybrid buffer pool with direct write: The buffer pool in SQL Server 2022 includes a hybrid buffer pool with direct write, providing improved performance and scalability. This feature enables the buffer pool to store data in both DRAM and persistent storage, reducing I/O overhead and improving performance for write-intensive workloads.

Integrated acceleration & offloading: SQL Server 2022 provides integrated acceleration and offloading capabilities, allowing for improved performance and resource utilization. This feature provides better support for hardware accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs, and allows for offloading of compute-intensive tasks to these accelerators.

Improved optimization: SQL Server 2022 includes improvements in query optimization, making it easier to develop and run high-performing applications. This feature provides improved support for modern hardware, more efficient algorithms, and better resource utilization, resulting in faster query execution times.

In conclusion, these platform improvements in SQL Server 2022 make it a more performant and scalable platform, providing better support for modern hardware and enabling organizations to develop and run high-performing applications.


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